Afterdive store
Diving was the beginning.


Tomek Stachura the founder of SANTI is a diver with over 30 years’ experience.

About 1980, being already fully into diving, he started the best equipment search, which was not so easy at that time in Poland.

The best he could do was to obtain neoprene scraps and that was a small miracle at that time. Knowing that a drysuit needs to be snug to the body and at the same time not to restrict movement, he wanted not to waste precious materials so the prototypes were made from cotton bed sheets. After tests and final construction he became proud owner of the first drysuit amongst his diving friends.


The undersuits were too thin, the drysuits were not comfortable. It was too cold.

After some years of diving, expeditions, new experiences and testing equipment Tomasz was still not able to find the exact equipment he needs for his diving comfort. The undersuits were too thin, the drysuits were not comfortable. It was too cold.

The fact that at the same time Tomasz was owning and developing a thriving apparel production company allowed to invest time and efforts to develop a new product, which would connect his passion and business experience – in 2001 the prototype of BZ400 SANTI undersuit was born.


The SANTI BZ 400 was tested under extreme conditions

Right away he noticed that the new undersuit was much warmer than anything he had tried previously. It will be hundreds of test dives in many extreme environments and tens of changes and improvements before it was ready. In that process, his dive partners asked for the undersuits and their friends did the same. With a vast pool of divers, Tomasz was willing to listen to their input about the EXTREME 400 UNDERSUIT and now it has become the leading product in new the SANTI Diving division.


Soon divers all over the world were able to appreciate the BZ400 undersuits values

Tomasz a well-known diver became the best ambassador of the product. Soon divers all over the world were able to appreciate the BZ400 undersuits values.

The market interest lead to further development, new ideas and new undersuit models.


Success at hand

By 2004 SANTI team initiated development of the new Drysuit production. The main challenge was to find best solution for the suits to be safe and dry. The work began. Tomasz and his key SANTI employees realized right away that the new Drysuit production would be a major challenge. Undaunted the preparations went on with the first design stage, then prototypes were made from rubberized material so not to waste expensive trilaminate. At this stage parameters were set for durability and fit with a full range of motion and the most important feature; ONE MUST STAY DRY. Then on to the building service department to repair any problems arising with existing suits. With this valuable experience, emphasis was directed to the development of innovative solutions to avoid these problems and a need for certain repairs all together. Lastly, equipping leading Polish and European divers and a few friends with new suits and putting them through a rigorous testing schedule (they just went diving – a lot). Feedback after the testing was immense, the whole company geared up to listen and to sort through all their suggestion from the diving leaders to the novice divers alike.


Approach of the diver-manufacturer interaction has proven.

Approach of the diver-manufacturer interaction has proven to be a valuable key to the SANTI Diving success in the market place. That said; let us not forget the dedication of the entire workforce behind the products, the skills of master craftsman and the artist tailors with decades of experience. Job satisfaction, financial rewards and a customer appreciation followed with each unit being sold. Tomasz insists on being “diver first and businessman later” and he gives complete attention to each and every comment he receives from the sales.


Deep Water

Since mid-2009 when SANTI Diving Division has started to develop even more, Thomas approached his friend Jakub Szelągowski to help him manage the growing company and to become his business partner.Thanks to Jacobs vast management skills and experience in apparel industry, the company was driven to become a professional and well organized structure. Since then the company has been growing and recruiting other experienced and dedicated staff to develop customer service, market coverage and best sales practice.

Actually since that moment SANTI has started to evolve from a producer to strong brand company.


Global expansion

Over the years SANTI has been developing very dynamically, continuing to employ experienced managers and specialists in the various departments of the company and building a harmonious, cooperating team. Particular emphasis was placed on the development of sales, marketing and production departments in order to meet or even exceed the expectations of the market.

The years 2012 - 2018 are a very dynamic development of the SANTI distribution network, which expanded every year to include new distribution markets, from a few to more than a dozen, with an extensive network of several hundred dealers.

In 2014, Santi established close cooperation with the American company Halcyon Dive Systems, which was sealed in April 2016 with the acquisition by Santi of a 20% stake in Halcyon. The binding business relationship brings both Halcyon and SANTI the means to further develop the product range and thus create more added value for the customer.

In 2016, Agnieszka Hrynkiewicz, former sales director working for the company since June 2011, took over the position of Managing Director from Jakub Szelągowski.

The company continues its expansion on new markets and is constantly developing, expanding its product offer.

The next step is the introduction of a new, separate product line SANTI ON DUTY dedicated to specialized uniformed services.

Today SANTI is an international company producing diving equipment with distribution structure in 11 countries and thriving direct dealers network. Our brand works around the globe, wherever you can dive and where divers buy their equipment, from Mexico to Egypt, from Australia to China.

Aside from the drysuits, the best diving undersuits, hoods and after dive clothing collection are being produced. At SANTI we offer a wide range of complementary items for divers : innovative underwater heating systems, flashlights, valves, gloves and thermal underwear. For the last couple of years SANTI supplied the market with few thousand drysuits and several thousand undersuits.

The company gained high position among the biggest providers of the technical diving drysuits in the world. SANTI is a confirmation of the rule that the best way for a company development is to connect passion and business.

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