Our company is putting big emphasis on professional service of our products keeping the highest possible quality of customer service.
We are restlessly building and improving our service standards, expanding our offer range, also the number of authorized service centers worldwide just so that our customers, even from the most remote parts of the world, can profit from our help.
If you want to send your equipment for Santi service, click on the tab on the left, which will direct you to the nearest authorized service point. Before you send your equipment, contact the selected local point to discuss all shipping details and necessary documents.
Always remember to fill out the service form correctly and completely.
Service center address in Poland:
SANTI Service Department in Poland
Adress: ul. Ogrodników 11, 84-240 Reda
Email: serwis@santidiving.com
+48 693 418 011
mon-fri: 7.00-15.00
Dear customers,
Our Service dept, wishes to inform you that due to Holiday break from 22th of July till 4th of August service department will be closed . All services delivered by 11th of July will have the completion date of 22nd of July maximum ( except for medium difficult and tailor modification services ).
Service parcels delivered after 11th of July will have the completion date after our return.
Additionally we discourage you from sending parcels during the Summer break as the facility will be closed on that time and parcels will not be accepted.
We apologize in advance for any inconvenience.